


Currently we are hiring for a Wild Rice Lounge Bartender and Lucky 7 Cashier positions and also Assistant Liquor Store Manager

 To find out more information about the position or to obtain an application

scroll to the bottom of this page and print the job application or you can come to city hall located

at 104 W. Madison Avenue to pick one up. 

You can also contact city hall at 218-935-2573 with any questions.

Lucky 7  Liquor (218) 935-9164 and Wild Rice Lounge (218) 935-2572


Currently we are hiring for fire-fighter a volunteer paid on-call positions 
for the Mahnomen Fire Department. If you're interested please
fill out an application by printing one from the link below or
    come into City Hall located at 104 W. Madison Avenue
                                                                    and ask for a job application or call 218-935-2573
                                                                       Scroll down for applications and other important information documents.
rrently thCurrently, there are no job openings.ere are no job openings.
Please click on a job opening announcement and application below for additional information.